Sunday, December 21, 2008

In need of a helpin' hand?

I've been using Ubuntu now for some time u can see from my previous posts.
and helped ..(counting.........) 2 people get Ubuntu installed on their PCs, got 1 person to migrate to Ubuntu and helped solve a couple of problems(no contributions to forums yet), I'd to like to take this further.
I'm no GOD when it comes to installing Ubuntu, but I'm pretty sure, I can get a machine dual booted (since, generally people here use Windozzze) or get a clean Ubuntu install on the system without any data losses. I've typically worked with Intel platforms. However, I should be able to handle AMD also.
So, if you or your friends are planning to install/migrate to Ubuntu, ,leave a comment here with your/his/her e-mail id; I'd be only happy to assist............. free of cost :)


A Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year to every one