Thursday, September 11, 2008

/etc/apt/sources.list screwed up?

I've modified my Hardy's /etc/apt/sources.list badly adding/removing anything that I "thought" I could play around with and is now all mucked up! I have a backup of all my changes, but choosing from a bunch of backups seems to be a pain and you have to maintain all the backed-up files!
What is the easiest way to get Hardy's default /etc/apt/sources.list ?
Make sure you have a backup of the current /etc/apt/sources.list (no.not another backup!,but that is the best option) and remove the /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list
Open system->Administration->Software Sources and check all the boxes under "Ubuntu Software" and "Updates" tabs! and voila you have the default /etc/apt/sources.list; how clever of Ubuntu!
I however, choose only what I need from the "Updates" tab.
Shamelessly, posted this information from: