Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ubuntu Intrepid and Cairo dock

Although, cairo-dock was available in Ubuntu Intrepid repositories, this document suggests installing it using the below entry in /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu intrepid cairo-dock

and so I did and I love it.

Isn't this a new way to look at the so called and boring "Start" button :p

However, the problem was that the cairo-dock did not launch itself automatically after my login!
I had to launch Alt+F2 and type in cairo-dock every time

I have read about Upstart earlier and tried if that would work and before I could finish making it work( now, I do not know if that would have worked :( ), I have discovered a better way to get it working

Here are the steps:
1. Main Menu -> System -> Preferences -> Sessions
Alt+F2 and run "gnome-session-properties"

2. Click the "Add" button and look into the image here for the details to fill in.
3. Logout and Login and valla! Cairo-dock launched automatically after login :)

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